Local Time
There is no time difference between Europe and South Africa during the European summer period and one hour in the winter.
South African time is 7 hours ahead the East Standard time of the United States.
Climate and seasons
The climate of the Cape is Mediterranean.
The summer - from mid November till mid-April - is very dry, the temperature range from 20 to 30°. As it is often windy, you never feel too hot. From mid-December till mid-January, the South African tourists are very numerous. They call it the festive season.
Time for "farniente" and feast.
Autumns - from mid-April till mid-June, - the days are beautiful and the temperature is lower, it rains sometimes from May, Interspersed with lovely sunny days.
Winter is very short - mid-June till August. Temperatures range from 8 degrees Celsius during the night till 17 degrees Celsius during the day with nice sunny days and some impressive heavy storms.
During Spring - from September till October - the temperature is lovely, from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius during the days. The whales are usually still in the bays along the coastline. Early September the West Coast is vivid with fields and fields of beautiful wild flowers. It is a gorgeous period.
You can easily withdraw money with your Visa or Master cards from the counters installed in the banks, commercial centers and the airports.
To know the exchange rate of the Rand, the South African currency which abbreviation is R click on:
www.xe.com/fr/ or www.mcy.co.za
South Africa has 220v electricity. The plugs are very different from the European or North American ones but it is easy to find adapters at the local supermarkets.
Most properties have a telephone. The telephone bills are of course for the renter.
The Cape Peninsula area is not dangerous as long as you observe some elementary rules.
Alarm Systems
There is an alarm system in most properties. The system is linked to a Central call centre, who send an armed representative within a few minutes if necessary.
Sea Cape Rentals will explain the details to you on your arrival. Do not hesitate to call them if you have any question about it.
Other precautions to be taken
Highway Code
You may use your own national driver's licence as long as It has your photo on it. Otherwise, you will need an international driver licence.
In South Africa you drive on the left side of the road.
Foreigners are sometimes puzzled by one characteristic of the Highway Code. When you arrive at a cross road, everybody stops and it is the first who arrived that will go first.
The climate in Cape Town is very healthy. It is not necessary to get any particular vaccine, except if you go into the malaria areas.
The tap water is drinkable in South Africa
If you have any health problem, we can recommend excellent doctors or dentists in Hout Bay